viernes, 9 de julio de 2010


This summercamp took place in London. 40 participants have answered to the polls.

In general the participants think that the camp was VERY GOOD, and some of them think the camp was GOOD. You can find several reasons because they said it, but one of the most repetitive answer was that the best were the monitors and the companions.

According to the accommodation a half said it was GOOD, and the others think it was VERY GOOD, and REGULAR. They find the best think in the accommodation was the TV room and the breakfast and the worst thinks the hygiene, to have the bathrooms outside the rooms and to have individual rooms.

In the question 3, where the students are asked about the cultural visits the most said they were VERY GOOD. Most of them say that the best were the Science Museum, the boat and bus trip and the British Museum. I think that in this summercamp was important that the teacher has prepared the visit to the British Museum, so this visit was very interested. The worst were the change of the guards and don’t have guides in the tourist places.

About the sportive activities the students have not answered because we have not done any activity of this type.

About the living together most of them think that it was VERY GOOD. The leaders were very friendly and people were very nice.

The meals have different answers. Most of them say that the best restaurant was Pizza Hut, and the worst were the Indian and Chinese restaurant and the packed lunches.

The free time that they had was VERY GOOD for most of them. They had enough time to be all together and they enjoyed it a lot. Some people would like to have done some group activity during the free time.

All the students think that the leaders and the volunteers were VERY GOOD. They think the leaders and the volunteers are very kind, gentle and helpful.

You can see the full information of the test in the graphics below:

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010


jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Penultimo dia en Londres: hay que aprovechar al maximo!!!

Buckingham palace


Por la manana los jovenes sugirieron volver al British museum para terminar de ver algunas de las exposiciones que no les habia dado tiempo el dia anterior.

Mas tarde se desplazaron al Buckingham palace para ver el cambio de guardia.

Buckingham palace

La actividad de la tarde fue visitar el mercado de Camden, donde los jovenes disfrutaron de lo lindo viendo el ambiente, las tiendas, la gente...

mercado de candem

La ultima cena fue en el Britannia hotel, donde los jovenes pudieron disfrutar de una estupenda cena. Alli recibieron los premios del concurso planteado por sus profesoras a partir de la visita cultural por la ciudad en barco y autobus.

Entrega de premios en el Britannia Hotel

Y terminada la cena comenzo el momento para las despedidas. Los jovenes sorprendieron a sus monitores con una camiseta con el logo que ellos mismos habia creado para el campamento. Aprovecharon esa noche para sacarse fotos con los profesores y monitores.

Los jovenes con Hector

Los monitores con las camisetas regaladas por los jovenes

Profesoras y monitores del campamento

Foto de grupo

El campamento llegaba a su fin y esa noche pudieron disfrutar de tiempo libre en la residencia. El dia siguiente cogerian el autobus rumbo al aeropuerto, donde mas de uno no pudo evitar las lagrimas de dejar atras esos dias que tan intensamente habian vivido.



Los jovenes con los diplomas del curso de ingles
Los jovenes tuvieron su ultimo dia de clase de ingles. Despues de la entrega de los merecidos diplomas, tocaba visitar el British Museum.

British Museum

Los jovenes fueron guiados por este inmeso museo por sus profesoras, quienes les explicaron las obras mas importantes que alli se encontraban.
Tras la visita cultural el grupo pudo ir a ver el partido de Espana mientras cenaban en un restaurante en el centro de Londres.

Sala de juegos

Sala de juegos

Y tras la cena, pudieron disfrutar de una divertida velada en una gran sala de juegos a la orilla del Tamesis.